Sunday Snack Update
Fage doesn’t even make it into important discussions like which Greek yogurt brands spends the most on advertising, but we all know that Fage is the only American Greek yogurt worth eating end of subject.
The interlopers just won’t quit. I’ve settled for Chobani against my better judgment. Dannon Oikos, Yoplait Greek and Trader Joe’s version (and every other private label brand), however, have no reason to live.
And now even Newman’s Own has jumped into the mix, touting “big pieces of real fruit on the bottom.” You know who also has fruit at the bottom? Fage.

Photo: PRNewsPhoto/7-Eleven
In unrelated newborn news, 7-Elevens in Texas are now serving breakfast kolaches (haha, “Czech Out.”)
Meanwhile, Häagen-Dazs in the US thinks it’s hot shit for adding limited edition flavors like Midnight Cookies & Cream (even though it has existed off and on since the ’90s), Banana Split and Pomegranate Dark Chocolate when we all know that Japan is getting Carrot Orange and Tomato Cherry. There are no secrets on the internet.
And because a subset of Americans now seem to follow every fast food invention abroad, you probably already know that Burger King in Malaysia is now serving triple-patty burgers topped with nachos to promote Godzilla. I did not until I woke up and saw it on my Facebook feed (with a far more realistic photo).