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Eating Like a Girl


Forget all this dude cooks like a lady gender in restaurant kitchens business. What about eating like a girl? I was bemused to note that in Ed Levine's recap of a recent Bay Area excursion, he mentions throwing out Bi-Rite Creamery ice cream”

"I ordered a large cup with scoops of salted caramel, roasted banana, malted vanilla, and some hot fudge. It was insanely, seriously delicious, rich and creamy, and vividly flavored. It took all the self-control I could muster to throw most of it out."

How girly of him. Or not.

I've always found the concept of normal eating totally confusing, meaning that I don't know what normal is. And food blogs have only added to my uncertainty. I've always associated behavior like throwing food in the trash or sprinkling Drano on irresistibles with bingey (maybe purgey) women…and possibly Frank Bruni, which I’m sure we'll learn all about in his memoir. I'm still disturbed by a scene in Heroes from seasons ago where The Cheerleader makes a big batch of cupcakes with her mom, and then they throw them out. Seriously? People do that? Who does that benefit except freegans?

I just can't throw good food away or not take substantial leftovers to go (I was kind of shocked yet happy to see a waiter at Kevin's during my rare brunch foray, asking a customer if he wanted his food wrapped up. It was seriously like three bites of blueberry pancake. And the guy said yes.) and maybe that's what's keeping me from losing those 13 pounds that will get me to my "goal" weight (not my goal, but BMI standards) a number I haven't been since my teens. Clearly, tossing non-essential food is working for Ed. I see the benefits of strictness and self-discipline but it's tough. Me, I wouldn't have ordered an ice cream in the first place, knowing I shouldn't eat the whole thing.

Then I get all conflicted when I read many food blog maintained by young women, that give the impression they eat junk food, rich fatty food and/or sweets every day (then again, people think I eat out every day because I blog, when realistically I only go to restaurants maybe twice a week). I'm genuinely curious if they eat whole portions, if they share or if they throw a bunch in the trash. Maybe it's simply the difference between mid-20s and mid-30s, a decade ago I  ate whatever I felt like too (um, and maybe that's why I have troubles now). I'm not supposed to eat sugar at all, though I do drink alcohol and splurge on sweets every couple weeks (Amish sticky buns and gelato in Philadelphia two weekends ago), and maybe that's why I'm so hyper-attuned to the eating habits of others. Because I’m freaking sugar deprived. I had to turn down mini Crumbs cupcakes at work today and it pained me despite my scorn for the whole tired cupcake trend. I'd eat Crack Pie and Concretes (I've still never been to Shake Shack) on regular basis if I could. And no, I wouldn't throw one bite in the garbage.

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