Taco Overload
So, it's my last full day in D.F. and once again I've managed to get a scalding sunburn as I have on every vacation (even in Wales where it rained like 75% of the time). And I've eaten way too many tacos…and fancy food, too–I never thought I'd live to see tortilla foam. I also discovered an insane street food where they put a tamale in a big roll, creating a starch sandwich. As much as I love them, I think I'd eventually get burnt out on beans and corn if I stayed here longer and Asian food (other than sushi–they seem to love Japanese food) is severely lacking. I haven't seen a single Thai restaurant (though they did have pad thai at pan-Asian place that I didn't intend to eat at but kind of got stuck at because I was trying to escape a downpour).
Briefly thinking back to NYC, here is a Top 5 Thai Restaurant round-up I did for About.com that just got posted. I swear, I'm going to head out to Queens tomorrow night and load up on curry.