Thank You, Internets
Phew, I knew if I waited long enough someone would've gone nuts with Union Square Trader Joe's Flickr sets, and save me the trauma. (I really like how the world is evolving into a place where leaving the house is totally unnecessary. Having bit of a child star fetish I wanted to see Mac Culkin reading his literary masterpiece on Monday, but couldn't get it together. As it turns out, I didn't have to because video of the event turned up on YouTube. I still don't quite get why YouTube is the new hotness, but I'm slowly warming up to it).
I considered joining in the opening day mayhem, but you know, having a job tends to cramp one's moblogging style. And besides, I'm still reeling from the Atlantic Center Target debut from a year and a half ago.
If I'm not too bleary tomorrow, I might just check out TJ's day after carnage.