Wink Wink, Pudge Pudge
Ok, I was poking around the Food TV site, as I do from time to time, and about halfway down, in the middle of the page I noticed this peculiar line drawn man's face. Is this supposed to be a Food TV personality? I totally don't recognize the guy. It's not Alton, Bobby, Emeril, Mario or that whatever Ham on The Street guy. Who else is left? When you hold the cursor over him he suggestively raises his eyebrows or winks. I'm offended, he's almost as much of a nuisance as the Microsoft Word anthropomorphic paperclip. This animated chinless wonder is driving me nuts.
Er, ok, I just solved my own stupid mystery by actually clicking on the damn icon and…well, it is that Ham character. The whole thing is totally nonsensical. The illustration is a bit more svelte and sans soul patch (I guess it's tough to have a beard without a chin).