Sidewalk Score
Despite not being terribly collectible, I persist in collecting that late ‘60s/early ‘70s Time Life Foods of the World series. I’m certain that these books are gathering dust in corners of thrift stores and crannies of basements around the nation. But NYC is no second-hand paradise, no matter what natives will boast. I rely on my mom to send any (there are picture-filled hardbacks and accompanying spiral-bound recipe soft covers) she scores out west my way. She’s inexplicably started an hobby-business selling used books, not a bad Portland proposition since the city’s roaming with cast offs at prices you’d never find here.
I was walking home from work, just a block away on 3rd Pl. when I noticed a hearty, manly roast beef photograph staring up from the sidewalk at me. What the heck? It was the British Isles volume, one I was lacking. Now all the secrets of Yorkshire pudding, toad-in-the-hole and cockaleekie, illustrated in creepy-cool still life, are all mine.
Haggis fanfare