Trouble in Paradise
Jeez, why do Brooklynites have to oppose every goddamn little thing' When I first moved to Carroll Gardens earlier in the year it was 'Stop the Shelter,' a campaign against a battered Asian women's refuge. Next it will be stop everyone who isn't white (unless you're a professional or hip guy with an Asian girlfriend or wife. No abused Asian women, thank you, just hot ones) and doesn't have babies, dogs or loves jogging.
The latest bee in the community bonnet is the planned Red Hook Ikea. And while Carroll Gardens and Red Hook share the same zip code, it's not the Red Hook residents (who'll be most affected) making the biggest stink. For the love of God, what about the children' According to their gobbledygook, this proposed Ikea will cause asthma, cancer and heart disease rates to increase, will slow emergency response times, will drive out jobs, and "put children in harms way" (I can't take hysterical propaganda seriously when it doesn't make proper use of apostrophes).
Sometimes there's a table set up at the Carroll St. station, staffed by angry white women who feel the need to educate the neighborhood about the dangers of Ikea. I overheard one of them saying, "I already have furniture." Well, good for you. How about the rest of us who don't, and lack the means purchase high end show pieces (or even mid-priced, adequate items, for that matter)? And tell me where all these great, stylish, affordable mom-and-pop places are because I've yet to stumble upon one in Brooklyn.
Ikea * Various locations, NJ & NY