In a round-up about the best NYC restaurants for a marriage proposal, you know there will be cloches, champagne flutes and crème brulee employed. It couldn’t be any other way.
My favorite of the 12 is the guy who had The Meatball shop stuff a ring inside of a meatball destined for delivery. Because meatballs are kind of gross (I know, I know, everyone loves meatballs) like a wad of saucy meatloaf (yes, everyone loves meatloaf, too). It would only be improved by stashing jewels in pile of Manwich.
Because I am half-robot, crying at wedding proposals is no more a reasonable response than emotional stress leading to regurgitating the contents of your stomach. Therefore, my least favorite example while the most elaborate, is Eleven Madison Park presenting a cloche with the ring to the gentleman and one hiding tissues for the lady. I am, however, closer to understanding the barfing thing.
Photo from Dining@Large