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Posts from the ‘Chains of Love’ Category

Get Culverised

The new Restaurants & Institutions' "2009 Consumers' Choice in Chains" report has been released. Yes, stop the presses.

The favorites by age is kind of interesting, though. Gen Y and Boomers are crazy for P.F. Chang’s for a variety of reasons—cleanliness, service, reputation, atmosphere—while the pan-Asian chain doesn’t even score with Gen X, my people (let’s just say I fall somewhere in the rambling 27-41 range). We are the frumpkins, apparently who can’t get enough pizza and pasta: Carrabba’s, California Pizza Kitchen and Macaroni Grill, all highly rated. I tend to think it’s because the Gen X’ers have the most kid-friendly needs.

Clearly, P.F.Chang’s is onto this, as they along with the Cheesecake Factory, introduced children’s menus this very summer. When I hear Baby Buddha's Feast all I can envision are bald kids with little potbellies.

On the other end of the spectrum, The Olds love Culver’s, which is new to me, and Golden Corral, which I’ve just started seeing commercials for but suspect doesn’t exist in these parts. This is all I need to know about Culver's: "Step into a Culver’s and you’ll experience fresh, delicious food served with a great big side of friendly smiles and warm hospitality. That’s what it means to be Culverized."

P.F. Chang’s has eluded me for some time. I vow to give them another try despite the disconcerting scene I faced on my one and only attempt at Saturday night dining in Hackensack (the Northwesterner in my can't hear that without thinking hacky sack). The restaurant is on a strip with upscale chains like Rosa Mexicana, valet parking was present, as were lots of bronzed ladies with long hair and exposed leg. We were quoted an hour and a half wait (I didn’t realize you could reserve) and I almost stuck it out to absorb the spectacle of the black hipster bartender with a Sanjaya poofed mohawk. That’s how they roll in these flashy Bergen County ‘burbs.

About Chains of Love

Food memories? Everyone seems to recall being mesmerized by a grandmother lovingly preparing meals; forming the perfect gnocchi, composing a sublime kugel, rolling the flakiest biscuits. It helps if they were immigrants or Southern. With the exception of one mock apple pie, I can’t remember a single thing my grandma ever cooked (though it’s impossible to forget slogging through a sad bowl of puffed wheat poured from a plastic pillowcase-sized 99-cent store bag when we spent the night) and I have no idea where her ancestors hailed from.

In our household, enchiladas and lasagna were reserved for company. I guess that made them special, but there wasn’t much kitchen wisdom to be gleaned. We ate a lot of fried eggs and bacon for dinner. There was a spell in 1982 where we ate taco salad with Catalina dressing on a weekly basis. My entire senior year in high school we nearly subsisted on Taco Bell takeout, later supplemented by my summer job at Pizza Hut. My mom had long given up the charade of cooking.

What we didn’t do was go out to eat very often. Fast food was a rarity and a sit down restaurant practically unheard of. Maybe Salty’s or Sizzler for Easter, Rheinlander for Christmas and graduations, Denny’s when you were too young to get into bars but wanted to sit someplace and smoke in the evening, and Heidi’s to discuss bad grades over marginally German desserts (never in academics, but grade school benchmarks like makes good use of  time and gets along with others—two subjects I still haven’t mastered).

I do remember the colorful plastic markers indicating the doneness of your non-aged, un-prime conventionally raised steak and cast iron pots of sharp alcohol-spiked fondue, every last nub of rye bread skewered and ready to wipe out any last remaining streaks of cheese, black forest cakes, piled high with whipped cream and filled with canned syrupy cherries. This was fun, certainly more so than home cooking, even if the food wasn’t even exemplary. That kind of wasn’t the point.

This was also before the rise of the chains we know today. Applebee’s, Olive Garden and all the heavy hitters didn’t seep into my consciousness until I was an adult. Shiny, caloric, excessive, they held a lot of foreign appeal; particularly in brown rice burritos and tofu scramble laden Portland, Oregon. Radically suburban, blowing away even my own suburban upbringing with a grotesque luxury I wish I had known sooner.

In 21st century NYC there’s little need to fall back on the safe and predictable. We have food diversity in spades, in all price ranges. Mediocrity feels more egregious when unnecessary. Yet I feel myself drawn to chains with semi-alarming frequency. I will admit I prefer them in their natural habitat, as the charm doesn't translate well to the city's constraints.

Comfort is meatloaf or mac and cheese for some. For me, it's settling into a spacious booth and being dazzled by promotions and carefully calculated menu offerings. Nothing soothes rattled urban nerves like a big parking lot and equally big portions. It’s all about balance. There’s no reason why someone can’t enjoy a Never Ending Pasta Bowl and Marea’s spaghetti with sea urchin and crab.

Recently, I have been feeling apathetic to mad rushes and the shock of the new, grand dining and chefs as rock stars (oh, those are farmers and butchers now, right?). So, I will be writing about chain restaurants, the  misunderstood, vilified genre—from classics like Red Lobster to independent offshoots like Fatty Crab (man cannot live on Cheddar Bay Biscuits alone). Either the novelty will soon wear off or I’ll gain a deeper understanding of…something. Maybe chains just need a little love.

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Lonelyhunter The Chains of Love logo is inspired by the 1946 cover of The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Robert Jonas, my favorite paperback illustrator. I think he’s still alive and hope he doesn’t take issue with my infringement, er, homage.

For more examples of his work, here is a bountiful Flickr set. I have a couple that aren't in this batch but never have the energy to take on scanning projects. Thank you, people of the world who do.

Din of a Different Sort


Even as someone who appreciates chains, I do have to side with modern Spanish gastronomy and Food & Wine's Kate Krader in this instance. Plus, who wants to align themselves with bankers, Jack Daniel's Ribs & Shrimp or not?

Yerba Buena Perry

Would Yerba Buena Perry be a mere offshoot or a bonafide chain? It’s all in the eye of the beholder and for my nefarious purposes: chain.

Yerba buena bar

I’m very much not a party photographer if that isn’t painfully obvious. Besides, I don’t really get off on the blogger role during events and openings and the like—I just want to mingle and enjoy the food and drink without making the poor servers stop and hold their trays still. Not that that was even possible at the new Yerba Buena (which should open today) because the food was literally decimated before the plates made it more than a few feet out of the kitchen.

Pisco mojito I did snag a pretty, layered pisco mojito (pisco, bitters, lime and yep, yerba buena) and moved onto wine from there (and then dark chocolatey stout at Spuyten Devil after that—not so smart for a Monday night).

Breaded fried avocado slices were a hit (El Almacen has also been doing these—anyone else?) though I finally encountered the unthinkable: something breaded and fried that completely grossed me out, which isn’t to say the dish was ill-conceived, I just happen to hate melon more than any food on the planet. Yes, they’ve coated and crisp-fried slices of watermelon. Other “Latino Fries” will include more sensible hearts of palm, yuca, plantains, jalapenos and cactus.

Cheesey manchego croquettes, arepas topped with pork and a spicy fish taco were also promising. Of course these were all nibbles. I look forward to trying something more substantial. Maybe the parrillada?

Yerba Buena Perry * 1 Perry St., New York, NY

My Never Ending Story

NeverEndingStory Never Ending Pasta Bowls are sporadic and fleeting as a mythical New York City autumn (seriously, it's near 90s then all of a sudden it's 45 and everyone's wearing hats and gloves). It's possible that there is a rhyme and reason to their appearance; maybe I should start a tracker.

But the $8.95 promotion is on now and is anything but never ending so get on it. Just be aware that if you're in NYC (or perhaps elsewhere) there will be no mention of it or any in-store signage. You'll be forced to ask for the deal, though there is no shame because this is Olive Garden, and all will be explained verbally. During my one and only experience with this special, I was surprised at the number of pasta types and sauces available but the 42 options are not committed to print so brush up here beforehand.

Such is the ephemeral nature of all you can eat starch in the city.

Chain Links: Was Nothing Learned From English is Italian?

Kolache Mama  slipped under my radar. I can't keep up with all of the burgeoning ethnic gone mainstream chains opening up in Midtown. [Midtown Lunch]

Jamie Oliver is going to China and taking Italian food with him. His five UK Jamie's Italian restaurants will blossom into 30 overseas. Well, there is the noodle connection, I guess. [AFP]

P.F.Chang's will be serving their Americanized Chinese food to Americans straight from the freezer aisle. Why not mongolian beef while in your pajamas? [Arizona Republic]

Bada Bing

09-jun-starbuz Taiwanese chain Kung Fu Bing has brought pancakey sandwiches to Chinatown. There's already a chain called Kungfu in Beijing, though I don't think they serve bings which are still the province of street vendors and aren't quite sandwiches. Apparently, they will ruin your sex life if you are a man. I bet ladies totally thrive on them, though. I'll have to find out.

Barros Luco, which looks like a chain but isn't (yet), is going to be serving Chilean sandwiches in midtown. Up until now the only place for churrascos and completos was in Astoria so I'm excited even though I fear great gobs of mayonnaise.

While Starbucks does nothing for me in the states, I do always pop into one when abroad. Too bad the Starbucks transformed into a mid-century coffeehouse a.k.a Bing Sutt wasn't open when I was in Hong Kong last year. A '50s diner Starbucks would be lame, yet this isn't cheesy to me, maybe because I'm American.

Meanwhile, we're giving Russia 25 Chili's over the next eight years.

Photo from Goods of Desire

It’s a Slam Dunk

Not shockingly, Dunkin' Donuts takes the top spot in the new Center for an Urban
Future snapshot, "Return of the Chains" and the report isn't even focused on food just "national retailers." There are 429 in NYC, 88 more than in 2008.

As a Portland, Oregon native I've always found the pervasiveness of Dunkin' Donuts on the east coast kind of surprising. I grew up with them but they've slowly gone out of business. Last year the lone remaining location in the state capital shut its doors and I think they're extinct in Washington and California, as well. Not all of America runs on Dunkin'.

Getting more micro, with a mere 11 chain stores, 11231 (which they're calling Red Hook) is the Brooklyn zip code with the fourth least amount of chains (can you even say fourth least?). No wonder I feel so deprived. 11234/Flatlands is the winner with 132.

Fern Barred

People have really gone bonkers over this Union Square T.G.I. Friday's. It's a bit too late, I'm afraid. And by now we all know that TGI Friday's was born in NYC, more New York than most of the transplanted chain-haters.

Just think if Twitter existed when Olive Garden and Outback Steakhouse set up shop a block from each other on the edge of Chelsea back in 2003.

Chain Links: Houston’s, We Have a Problem

When is a chain not a chain? When it changes its name to skirt the 15 locations or more calorie-posting rule. Nice try, Houston's. [Crain's NY]

There's a TGI Friday's/Tim Hortons combo coming to Union Square. I'm actually more excited about the Nordstrom Rack (please don't pronounce Nordstrom with an S at the end). [NewYorkology]

Wendy's and Arby's will also be joined at the hip, though you probably won't have the opportunity to order a Frosty and Jamocha shake under the same roof unless you're in Dubai or Qatar. [QSR Magazine]