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When in Doubt, Add Mango

Chinese oreos
Another day, another localized snack food story. May was kicked off with the Huffington Post vs. Businessweek with mango-flavored Oreos playing a role in each. And before I could even get around to posting this, The Wall Street Journal busted out a piece about Dunkin’ Donuts’ first Indian outpost. Yes, there will be mangoes–as well as a lychee Coolata and a Jerk Cottage Cheese Ciabatta sandwich.

And if Pinkberry wasn’t enough, now India and China will be the recipients of another chilly American dessert: water ices, courtesy of Rita’s. No word on the presence of mangoes.

A Jamba Juice franchisee in the Bahamas didn’t localize (mango is already on the menu, after all) but bucked tradition by adding food, which proved a huge success for the chain. He still went out of business, however, and is now going like gangbusters with a presumably mango-free Johnny Rockets in the Atlantis resort.

Chinese orange-mango Oreo pic via Kraft Foods

Eaten, Barely Blogged: From House to Haus

Peaches hothouse chickenPeaches HotHouse I suspected the hot hothouse chicken would be no lie, but the boyfriend thought they were bullshitting. And he paid the price. The cayenne-induced blast is possibly the hottest thing we've experienced after Sripraphai's Southern Curry. Taking them seriously (because I read up on things ahead of time) I picked the regular hothouse chicken, which weirdly wasn't hot enough, a little sweet and a lot peppery. A middle-ground fried chicken is desperately needed. Also, the restaurant is oddly Shazaam-resistant. It would not work for me or the young man I noticed holding up his phone to no avail. I was able to recognize Bill Withers' "Ain't No Sunshine" on my own.

Goat town mexican mondayGoat Town I thought I'd been to Butcher Bay during Lent last year, but after checking my blog (my only tie to reality, it seems) that visit was actually in April 2009. What the fuck? How did I lose two years? Now I've been freaked out all week and afraid I'll die in my sleep one night not realizing I'm completely elderly and decrepit. Butcher Bay is now Goat Town and on so-called Mexican Mondays you can order Tex-Mex things like the oozy Velveeta-ish enchiladas and puffy lengua tacos we had at non-Texan prices.

Schnitzel Haus The Bay Ridge German restaurant was so uncharacteristically bustling on a Friday that the only table was an awkward two-seater nearest to the Donald Trump photograph in front of the guy doing Neil Diamond covers and in line with the door blowing chilly gusts  (it was unusually cold Friday night) every time it opened. And the table we were given upstairs (who knew there was an upstairs?) after asking if we could move was even more awkward–dark and empty minus a staticky radio station filling the dead air and large group speaking a Slavic language–proving that whenever I try fighting my  tendency to never speak up, it doesn't  pay off.  I drank a Spaten Optimator and part of a schnitzel smothered in mushroom gravy and was out of there. Previously on Schnitzel Haus.


In the Privacy of Your Own Home


P.F. Chang's, the restaurant, was acquired today by Centerbridge Partners LP. The Chinese bistro isn't doing so well, yet P.F. Chang's Home Menu, the brand's frozen food offering, was the best-selling new food and beverage product launch of 2011, according to SymphonyIRI, beating out Thomas' Bagel Things by nearly $30 million. (I'll admit I picked up a bag of orange chicken at Target out of curiosity, but really anyone in NYC would just go to their local joint, likely in a three-block-radius, to satisfy  their Chinese-American junk food needs.)


Perhaps next year we'll see IHOP's new at HOME syrups on the list.


Or Olive Garden's salad dressings at Sam's Club.


Not so long ago I found these Jelly Belly Dessert Toppers at Wegmans and they made me want to hurl. The neon red cherry one in particular reminded me of something you might find in the over-18 section at Spencer's that would give you an instant UTI.

Oh, Zagat has a timely post today about taste-testing seven frozen restaurant meals.  Spoiler: T.G.I. Friday's Cheddar and Bacon Skins are the real deal.