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Spring Break

CROQUETA So, I’m off to the land of Michelin stars and pintxos, the now-clichéd foodie honeymoon destination of San Sebastián. (I am still bummed that the Chowhound post about the destination involving a marriage proposal did not incorporate food. Couldn’t you imagine a croqueta encasing a diamond ring?) Luckily, I don’t consider myself a foodie and I’m not married or about-to-be. All should be well.

As usual when I’m out of town I won’t be blogging, but I’ll probably be Twittering (tweeting sounds even lamer) just not while on-the-go. Smartphones and travel haven’t been a successful combination for me.

I couldn’t get my phone to work in Oaxaca even though half the cooking class were using Blackberries and when I was stupid enough to pack my also non-working phone—the banh mi version I’m still mourning the loss of—in my suitcase while in S.E. Asia, it was stolen somewhere between Bangkok and Penang. Plus, I’m just way too cheap to pay for international data charges, despite the potential usefulness of digital handheld maps. How do others deal with phones when out of the country?

But more importantly, if anyone out there has been to Bilbao or San Sebastián—what did you eat?

Croqueta picture from La Más Bella

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  1. I’m so jealous.

    ENjoy and take lots of pics!

    April 26, 2011
  2. Nisrine: So far I’m enjoying and taking photos like crazy.

    katie x: Thanks for the offer. I wish I had time for other cities this trip (previously, I’d only been to Madrid and Barcelona too) but I’m sticking close to Basque country this week.

    May 4, 2011

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