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Chain Links: Turkey Ham Subs


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In Asia-to-Asia expansion, South Korean burger chain, Lotteria (which sounds totally Mexican) will be bringing their “signature bulgogi and shrimp burgers served on compressed rice buns” to Indonesia. Seems a little MOS Burger to me.  [Jakarta Globe]

Not to be outdone by Yo! Sushi, England’s Wagamama will also be spreading through the US (they already have Boston locations) and like gangbusters. 650 sites? [Big Hospitality via Eater]

Tasti D-Lite seems like one of the most dreary purveyors in the city. I don’t really consider frozen yogurt food even though it’s a popular office lady lunch. Australia can have it. Good luck with your “fastest-growing overweight and obesity rates.” []

Shouldn’t Kuwait already have a Quiznos? They definitely have Subway, and with home delivery. We don’t even have that in NYC.  []


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  1. The compressed rice patties don’t seem very popular here in Korea compared to the standard hamburger bun, at least from my limited observations. The reviews certainly aren’t good. Lotteria is more a cheaper, sketchier Macdonalds than Mosburger, though many expats seem to appreciate their Red and White Burger (shrimp with two different sauces) as seen here.

    November 7, 2010

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