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Chain Links: Payback For the Banh Mi Onslaught

We just call them homeless. In Shanghai, working poor “McRefugees” have been treating KFC and McDonald’s as alternative bedding. As many as 30-40 men (it sounds like a male thing) show up nightly to sleep on chairs and in booths. The practice is not uncommon in South Korea, Japan and Hong Kong. [Southern Weekly via Shanghaiist]

We don’t even have Carl’s Jr. in NYC yet Ho Chi Minh City welcomed one this week. It is the first American fast food burger chain to enter the country. Twenty-five more are slated for the next six years. [QSR Magazine]

Starbucks won’t be heading to South Africa but their coffee will be served in select hotels and casinos through a licensing agreement. Just in time for the World Cup. [Fast Casual]

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  1. lisa #

    We had a Burger King nearby we called “Homeless Burger King”, because invariably, they had people sleeping at tables and booths, and people having “birdbaths” in the bathrooms, etc… It closed down recently.

    June 1, 2010

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