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My Touch

My phone Urgh, I broke down and bought a smartphone (not an iPhone—out of principle I bought something else, anything else, the My Touch—before I saw Whoopi Goldberg in the ad, I swear). That would mean nothing to anyone else but I’m one of those freaks who resisted owning a cell phone at all until late 2007. Crossing over to the other side was tough, and frankly, I never even use my phone (in July I only used 8 minutes and 15 texts).

And the thing that got me? Being able to customize the shell. I like putting photos on things, what can I say?

And despite declaring the banh mi over earlier this year, I couldn’t resist using said sandwich’s cross section from the New York Times’s sandwich piece (please don’t turn me into the copyright police). It’s really more abstract unless you know what you’re looking at.

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  1. I NEED THIS FOR MY iPhone 4G. How did you do it??

    May 25, 2011

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