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Sausage I wouldn't blame anyone for not noticing, but astute readers might've observed that this site isn't what it used to be. I'm in the process of merging together my newish Goodies First and my oldie but a goodie Project Me into one bonanza of a self-indulgent blog. It just started seeming silly to keep them separate because essentially food is me (literally, my torso’s a bratwurst and my appendages are ham hocks). Talking about myself and talking about edible topics are too intertwined. 2006 is all about streamlining and embracing change.

But using blog software as opposed to '90s hand coding is about as modern as I get. Don't expect any podcasts, moblogging, or copious links to YouTube videos (did I like miss the memo about mandatory YouTube mentions? It seems that in the past month the entire universe has gone nuts for this shit. Last year I was similarly baffled by Flickr mania) any time soon.

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  1. so you’re in a sense…spring blog cleaning. isn’t it fun? haa 🙂 good luck with it, i love projects. and i agree, sounds like the newer better blog will be perfectly streamlined.

    March 13, 2006
  2. I forgot it was almost spring. But yeah, cleaning once a year is good.

    March 18, 2006

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