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Key to Happiness

Key_1 I don't think anyone would be cheering for Key Food's Court Street demise any louder than I. Good riddance is an understatement. Unfortunately, I was too busy/lazy this weekend to snap any photographic souvenirs of the decimation. Lucky for me this neighborhood is thick with bloggers that I can vicariously get my doses of shopping schadenfreude from.

My fear is that the supposed CVS taking its place will hire all the displaced Key Food employees. The disaffected teens will stay cashiers and the white lab coat guy who stands by the front doors doing nothing will become a pharmacist.

I do think it's weird that for such gentrified neighborhood, this little corner will have zero grocery stores. As much as I've always loathed Key Food, it was my only easily walkable after work option. There's not a heck of a lot open after 7 pm in these parts. I can only guess that many Carroll Gardens citizens must have cars or rely on Fresh Direct.

Does the neighborhood need another drug store? [423smith]
Key Food pandemonium []
All of Carroll Gardens to close [A Brooklyn Life]

Key Food * 395 Court St., Brooklyn, NY

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